Uncovering the Cybersecurity of Mobile Service Networks: The House of Representatives Takes Action! - News Break

2023-03-02 06:26 (EST)

US Congress Bill H.R. 1123 Photo by Dineda Nyepan on Unsplash

The 118th congress has begun, and a new wave of legislation is underway. One of these bills, H.R. 1123, is designed to bring awareness to the public about the cybersecurity of mobile service networks.

The new bill seeks to have the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information provide a report to congress detailing the security of mobile service networks. Furthermore, this enactment is essential in safeguarding the publics personal information regarding their use of mobile services.

Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving issue, and this bill serves as a reminder government needs to take a practical stance in protecting its citizens from cyber-attacks.

Ms. ESHOO, the house representative, introduced the bill directing the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information and is set to be discussed in the House of Representatives. With the digital age upon us, and the potential for malicious actors to exploit personal data, this bill is one of many that seeks to ensure the security of our data and networks. Stay tuned as we follow the progress of this and other legislation related to cybersecurity in the coming months.

The public should be aware of the potential security risks that mobile service networks, their devices, and their data are exposed to. That is why the Assistant Secretary, in consultation with the Department of Homeland Security, will submit a report to the Energy and Commerce committee of the House of Representatives and Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate committee no later than one year after the enactment of this Act.

The report will examine the cybersecurity of mobile service networks, their vulnerability to cyberattacks and surveillance by adversaries, and the security of mobile devices. The public must be informed of mobile service networks cybersecurity status to protect themselves from these various security threats.

The report required by the subsection shall include an assessment of the degree to which mobile service providers have addressed or not addressed cybersecurity vulnerabilities (including those that could lead to surveillance conducted by adversaries).

The assessment shall consider relevant reports from appropriate administrations, including the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, multistakeholder standards and technical organizations, academic and independent researchers, industry experts, and Federal agencies.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), including the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), should assess the degree to which customers consider cybersecurity a factor when making purchases of mobile services and devices and the commercial availability of tools, frameworks, best practices, and other resources.

The bill enables customers to evaluate mobile service networks cybersecurity risk and price tradeoffs. This discussion should include how mobile service providers have executed cybersecurity best practices and risk assessment frameworks to protect the public from cyber threats.

NIST, DHS, CISA, and S&T should work together to ensure customers can access the resources prerequisites to make informed decisions about their mobile service security and stay safe online.

In conclusion, the Understanding Cybersecurity of Mobile Networks Act is an essential step in improving the cybersecurity of mobile service networks.

The Act will ensure that the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information will submit to congress a statement asking them to examine the cybersecurity of mobile service networks.

The report will provide congress with valuable information. The committee can use this report further to strengthen the security of mobile services and networks.

By taking this action, congress powerfully conveys that they take cybersecurity seriously and are committed to protecting citizens from potential security risks.



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